Welcome to Marion Vineyard!

On behalf of the wonderful fellowship at Marion Vineyard - welcome and thanks for checking us out online!

Our heart is to build up communities of people committed to loving God and building healthy relationships - rooted, established and empowered by Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit!

Our values are centred on accepting, forgiving and loving just as Jesus has accepted, forgiven and loves us, working with God and following His lead to Influence Communities and Impact Nations.

Our gatherings on Sunday afternoons have a strong family feel where everyone, young and old, are encouraged to take part. We believe that God speaks to all of us so as a body we can all contribute to hearing and understanding God’s heart for us. As family, there is an informal feel to our gatherings and you can ‘come as you are’. Knowing that we are all accepted by God just as we are, means we accept each other. Everyone is welcome!

Our role as pastors is to point you to Jesus, to discover what God has already planted in your life, and partner with what God is already doing. Strong communities are built with strong people. We want you to be all that God has called you to ‘be and do’ as you walk in faith in Jesus Christ.

As a Vineyard church; we place priority on the Bible as our authority and foundation for teaching and all that we do, we love to worship God in celebration and intimacy, we enjoy the gifts of the Holy Spirit and allow them to operate through prayers of healing, deliverance, words of knowledge and prophecy.

We look for opportunities to connect with the local community and meet the needs of the poor and those in need, we partner with overseas missions and projects. We value relationships and have small groups running through the week, and we connect with and foster relationships with other local churches of other denominations.

We would love you to come join us and the church family here at Marion to discover together what it means to live life!

Much love, Pastors Maria and Toh Ng